Dr. Cochran was humbled to read this post from The Clinical TMS Society’s (CTMSS) website recently: Nikki Santiago and Shari Paulson, TMS technicians who attended the PULSES course in San Francisco in May 2019, recently wrote this in the CTMSS online newsletter. “At the PULSES course…, we participated in training that ranged from the science of TMS to hands-on experience with four different TMS machines. This invaluable experience gave us a chance to learn from leaders in the field and prepared us for the exciting future of TMS. We met other TMS technicians, made lasting friendships and traded notes about our craft. Highlights included lunch with Dr. Anthony Barker (the inventor of TMS) who assured us that we technicians are the ones who really make TMS happen, and instruction by [the] past president of the Clinical TMS Society, Michelle Cochran, MD. We returned to our clinic, Live Well Psychiatry in Meridian, Idaho, with newfound confidence and a professional pride. We whole-heartedly recommend the PULSES course to all our fellow TMS Technicians.”
For information about upcoming courses and scholarship opportunities for residents, and fellows, visit the clinicaltmssociety.org website or contact the executive team at info@clinicaltmssociety.org