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We strive to educate, empower, and inspire patients to help them lead happier, healthier lives. Check out our blog for news and helpful information, expert tips, answers to some of your most frequently asked questions, and much more.

Psychiatric medications: What is safe in pregnancy?

What is safe in pregnancy? Whether you’re pregnant or considering getting pregnant, brings a whole bunch of emotions, questions, & concerns. Many women considering getting pregnant ask if it’s safe to continue using previously prescribed medications up to, during, and after pregnancy (postpartum). This is an issue for all women, but particularly for those taking […]

Successful Doctor’s Day on the Hill

Successful Doctor’s Day on the Hill Dr Cochran, our Chief Medical Director, participated in the March “Doctors’ Day on the Hill”.  This event sponsored by the Tennessee Medical Association and the Nashville Academy of Medicine was a great success with our Tennessee state legislators. Nearly 50 representatives from the Nashville Academy of Medicine attended, including […]

Adding TMS is better than Adding or Switching Medications

Adding TMS is better than Adding or Switching Medications In a recent article published in Nature magazine, researchers showed that adding Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) resulted in improved outcomes for patients suffering with major depressive disorder. These authors attempted to replicate the largest study ever completed in psychiatry, STAR*D, by taking patients who had failed […]

Honored to Receive the INSBY Award

Honored to Receive the INSBY Award! Neuroscience and TMS Treatments Centers and our management company, Cromwell Medical, was honored to receive the INSBY Award from our bank, as one of three Outstanding Businesses to be honored this year. The event raised funds for The Pathway Lending Women’s Business Center.  Thank you!!! At the NeuroScience & […]

Brain Health

Brain Health Intuitively we know that non-processed whole foods are good for our bodies and brains.  On September 20, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) reposted reports from CNN and NBC News who both reported on a study that shows that highly processed packaged foods and drinks may increase risk for depression. CNN (LaMotte) reported, “Eating […]

MDMA is getting closer to a reality for the treatment of PTSD

In Small Phase III (three) study, one of the final steps before medication gets approval for use with patients, MDMA-Assisted psychotherapy treatment appears safe and effective in the treatment of patients with PTSD symptoms, according to these three news reports last week.   The New York Times (9/14) noted that the investigators in this Phase III […]

An interview with Dr. Michelle Cochran, PULSES Course Director

An interview with Dr. Michelle Cochran, PULSES Course Director Dr. Cochran developed and leads the course Pulses, which trains Physiaincs worldwide how to effectively treat with TMS.  CLICK TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE   from the Clinical TMS Society… Dr. Michelle Cochran has been offering TMS to patients since 2011 and was a founding member of […]

Are you feeling better than at the beginning of the year?

Are you feeling better than at the beginning of the year? In a recent poll by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), 77% of adult Americans reported that they are feeling better than they were at the beginning of the year.  For more information from this and other polls, go to  https://www.psychiatry.org/news-room/apa-public-opinion-polls.  This “better” feeling is […]

Creative Activities and a Better Brain

Creative Activities and a Better Brain A new poll by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) found that Americans who get involved in Creative outlets at least once per week reported better mental health than those who did not.   Over two thousand adults were asked in a “Healthy Minds Monthly Poll” in early June 2023 and […]

Spotlight on Our Chief Medical Officer

Spotlight on Our Chief Medical Officer As the Clinical TMS Society (CTMSS) representative to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Assembly, Dr. Cochran attended the APA meeting in San Francisco this year in May 2023.   As part of her participation, she has been actively advocating for CTMSS and patients in the Assembly, drafting successful Action papers […]

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