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We strive to educate, empower, and inspire patients to help them lead happier, healthier lives. Check out our blog for news and helpful information, expert tips, answers to some of your most frequently asked questions, and much more.

Testimonial from Angie 2012

“I had been on antidepressants that didn’t do anything for me. In my life before TMS I had isolated myself from everyone. I didn’t want to go out or see anyone. Since TMS I am a totally different person. I want to do things and I’m happy to get up every day. My life is […]

2012 – celebrating one year of helping patients with TMS

Dr. Cochran was interviewed by Channel 2 as the local expert.

Testimonial from 2011

“Before TMS I was unable to do almost anything. I felt like I had weights on my head and shoulders. I really wasn’t living. Now I can laugh, and I can enjoy things. A whole world has opened up to me. During TMS I never had any side effects, and I had had so many […]

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